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Tag Archives: Attorney-client relationship

When and How Does the Attorney-Client Relationship End?

By Robert Ross |

An attorney-client relationship lasts until (a) terminated by the client, the attorney, or both, or (b) the purpose of the representation has been fulfilled (or cannot be fulfilled, as a matter of law). Lawyers have a legal obligation to complete the matters for which a client hired them, unless the attorney-client relationship is terminated… Read More »

Does My Lawyer Represent Me For All Purposes?

By Robert Ross |

WHAT IS THE “SCOPE” OF THE ATTORNEY-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP? The “scope of representation” is a term that refers to the matter or matters for which a lawyer represents a client. The “scope of representation” is established: At the time the client hires/retains the lawyer At a later time, if the attorney and client agree to… Read More »

When You Hire a Lawyer, You Hire the Firm

By Robert Ross |

WHO IS MY LAWYER? When a client retains (hires) a lawyer, the attorney-client relationship covers not only that lawyer, but every member of that lawyer’s firm. This means every lawyer at a firm has a separate ethical duty to protect the client’s interests. In fact, the ethics code requires every lawyer in a firm… Read More »

When and How is a Lawyer the Client’s “Agent”?

By Robert Ross |

THE ATTORNEY-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP IS AN AGENCY RELATIONSHIP The attorney-client relationship is an agency relationship, which means that the relationship is governed by agency law. Agency is a branch of law that governs relationships that arise when one person (known as the principal) hires another person (the agent) to act on the principal’s behalf. By law, an agent has the… Read More »

Is My Lawyer My Employee?

By Robert Ross |

WHAT IS THE LEGAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN A LAWYER AND A CLIENT? The attorney-client relationship is a contractual, fiduciary relationship, but the lawyer is not the client’s “employee.” Instead, the lawyer generally is an independent contractor who provides services to the client on the basis of either an express or (rarely) implied contract. Although a lawyer agrees… Read More »

How to Create an Attorney-Client Relationship

By Robert Ross |

WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO CREATE AN ATTORNEY-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP? Many important rights and privileges are created by the formation of an attorney-client relationship–rights and privileges that do not exist otherwise. For example, attorney-client privilege does not exist unless an attorney-client relationship exists. In addition, a lawyer’s authority to represent a client in court, in negotiations,… Read More »

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Is an Attorney-Client Relationship a Fiduciary Relationship?

By Robert Ross |

WHAT IS AN ATTORNEY-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP? An attorney-client relationship is the term for the official legal relationship between a lawyer and a client. It is a relationship of trust, and has special, legally-recognized characteristics. For example, attorney-client privilege arises only where an attorney-client relationship exists. The attorney-client relationship also creates legal rights and obligations for the lawyer –… Read More »

Understanding the Scope of Representation

By Robert Ross |

WHAT IS THE “SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION”? The phrase “scope of representation” refers to the boundaries of the attorney-client relationship. More specifically, the “scope of representation” is the set of matters for which the attorney has agreed to represent the client. In most cases, an attorney’s representation of a client is limited in scope, and… Read More »

The Attorney’s Duty to Communicate With Clients (Part 2)

By Robert Ross |

Earlier this week, we took a look at the basic obligations attorneys face with regard to client communications in the context of legal representation. Today, we’ll continue that discussion with an in-depth look at what attorneys are required to disclose with regard to the attorney-client relationship. ATTORNEYS MUST INFORM CLIENTS OF ISSUES OR DEVELOPMENTS IMPACTING… Read More »

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